Friday, July 30, 2010


Apple tries to patent travel, hotel, shopping apps

The company applied for a patent on mobile applications for booking flights and hotels, as well as mobile shopping services.

Apple Mac Pro line overhauled with new design and 12-core pr

So shall it be written, so shall it be done. The Mac Pro has at long last proven rumors of its impending refresh accurate, as

Make iTunes Rock Harder with Add-ons and AppleScripts

Like many of Apple’s applications, iTunes is multilayered. Underneath its simple, straightforward hood, it’s surprisingly feature-rich, offering many powerful configuration options. And it’s time to make that power work for you with our guide to tapping into iTunes’ lesser-known but highly useful features.

iPad Gets Odd Rival in $150 Android Tablet at Kmart

The online edition of a Kmart flyer has revealed plans for what could be an unusual entry into competition against Apple in the still young tablet market.

Apple Censoring Their Book Store Bestseller List

Yesterday, this was the number one book at the bestseller list of Apple's book store: Blonde and Wet, The Complete Story, followed by Big Sis, both erotic short stories written by English auteur Carl East. Well, not anymore.